Es absolutamente necesario suicidarse cada cierto tiempo.
Huir de uno mismo,
sentir el cuerpo vacío, agotado, dolorido.
Mudar la piel,
tocar fondo, follar con desesperación y luego no recordar nada.
Estar ausente de todo.
Para después, aferrarse de nuevo a la vida. Reencontrarse.
Vestir colores pastel, andar a paso ligero y sonreír a los vecinos cuando te saludan en la escalera.
- ¿Qué tal estás, preciosa?
- Jodidamente bien, gracias.
(Ana Elena Pena)
We base our project on the verses of the poem "Suicidio" by Ana Elena Pena to explain that it is necessary to be wrong and imbibe negative emotions, for realizing the value of life and fight to live intensely.
Try to find the organic order that distributes the different elements of the life that is hidden. Capture that subtlety, instinct and life that applies to words to sort them when you type. But, also, to talk about change that the protagonist suffers, who stops understanding life as a line for have an understanding of this more three-dimensional.
Life in spiral.
Sisyphus is condemned by the Gods to eternally push a rock to the top of a mountain, from where it falls and is forced to start again eternally. His life being a process of actions without meaning or transcendence.
Albert Camus.
But, taking advantage of the moment in which the stone stays on top of the mountain, Sisyphus is free and can have faith for a moment before falling again. Nut is revealed in that moment and ends up being reborn as a new version of herself, leaving behind her dark and inconsequential life to believe in a better future.